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About Us

What is CyberQ?

Simply put, CyberQ is the perfect blend of Cloud Technology, Learning Science, and Big Data Analytics specially constructed to provide a platform that completely automates Cyber Range capability and actionable intelligence based on people interaction with the platform.


CyberQ is a Cloud-based, web-based service that completely automates the process of using advanced cloud technology to deploy cyber targets, from single boxes to full complex enterprise networks to individuals and teams for Cyber Learning, Cyber Practice, and Cyber Assessment. CyberQ was specially designed to focus on Skill Development over time, With CyberQ an individual can start with the fundamental building blocks of a cyber operator and develop skills in nearly any professional path, from Vulnerability Analysis, to Forensics, to Leadership, Coding, Exploitation, Penetration Testing, and much more.


CyberQ has a wide variety of highly customized use cases for individual students, cyber professionals, Educators, as well as employers, and the Government/Military.


CyberQ can be used to build individual skillsets in cyber, assess skill-gaps for an individual, or a team, assess a candidate’s true cyber capability within a specific Job Role or scenario, and generate the intelligent analytics to make educated decisions on where to invest in training, what role members of the team are best suited for based on their current capabilities, and where to focus budgets for skill development and education to help the overall cyber security maturity of an organizations workforce. 


CyberQ is a purpose-built API Driven platform aimed at measuring, building, and validating cyber security skills for individuals and teams. Unique to CyberQ, the platform was built to serve the needs of the entire Cyber Security Skills supply chain, from the student, the educator, employer, mentor, and cyber professional, this dynamic platform is tailored custom to each use case to ensure optimal outcomes. Our API based design makes CyberQ the most flexible, affordable Cyber range solution on the market to serve cyber security skills development needs ranging from a single Cyber Student, to a complete military unit or enterprise cybersecurity team preparing for a mission.  CyberQ operates on a custom cloud environment and is accessible 100% online, 24x7 from anywhere with an internet connection and a modern browser. 


Fully autonomous Cyber Range + Intelligent Analytics = Cyber Skills mastery and Informed Decision making

About Ec-Council

International Council of E-Commerce Consultants, also known as EC-Council, is the world’s largest cyber security technical certification body. We operate in 145 countries globally and we are the owner and developer of the world-famous Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (C|HFI), Certified Security Analyst (ECSA), License Penetration Testing (Practical) programs, among others. We are proud to have trained and certified over 200,000 information security professionals globally that have influenced the cyber security mindset of countless organizations worldwide.

Our certification programs are recognized worldwide and have received endorsements from various government agencies including the US Federal Government via the Montgomery GI Bill, and the US Government National Security Agency (NSA) and the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) certifying EC-Council’s Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH), Network Security Administrator (ENSA), Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (CHFI), Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP), Certified Security Analyst (E|CSA) and Licensed Penetration Tester(LPT) program for meeting the 4011, 4012, 4013A, 4014, 4015 and 4016 training standards for information security professionals and most recently EC-Council has received accreditation from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).