
Industry Standard Skill Set For Job Roles


Trends in Information Security are dynamic in nature giving the opportunity to the students to learn and enhance their knowledge continuously. Continuous research plays a vital role in developing assessments which are in conjunction with the current trends. The R&D teams continuously research these trends which are then developed to create an extensive job task analysis. The outcome of the job task analyses is then transformed into assessments which are in line with the industry skill standard benchmarks which engage cognitive learning and analyze the skill set essential for individuals to perform to be successful on the job. Assessments are designed to be effective cognitive learning processes which ensure that the candidate displays primary knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for the job role. Once the assessments are developed, they undergo a set of psychometric analyses to ensure that the final assessment meets design objectives, market requirements, and legal standards. Cyber security education frameworks such as NICE, CREST, NIST, etc. are mapped to design objectives and market requirements collected through industry engagement by way of market surveys, secondary research. Prepare brings a new dimension to the science of assessments by focusing on innovation, customization, security and customer satisfaction.

SMEs are engaged to create assessment items based on the job-task analysis document. The assessment items pass through a series of technical reviews before they are published on the CyberQ.

Comprehensive Job Role Assessment

A comprehensive job role assessment is developed taking into consideration all the skills associated with the particular job role. Meticulous analysis of each job role gives us the opportunity to list down the skill set necessary for a candidate to perform a job task successfully. Also, the assessment design allows the assessor to understand if the candidate has the necessary aptitude to excel in the job role.

Task Specific Assessment

In addition to the comprehensive job role assessment, Prepare also gives the opportunity to assess the candidates on specific skills related to a task. This helps in assessing the candidate’s task specific skills along with understanding the depth of candidate’s expertise in that skill.

Career Track Assessment

Career track assessments are a robust set of assessments developed in order to help individuals identify their career goals, career progression and their career path for them to become successful InfoSec professionals. These assessments while assessing the candidate’s skill set on one side also ensure that the candidate derives job satisfaction and helps the organizations in employee retention.

Detailed and Custom Reports for L&D (Learning and Development) Planning

The reports are devised in such a method that they offer the candidates, constructive feedback of their performance. Also, the reports are designed in a manner that it analyzes the candidate’s performance thoroughly highlighting aspects which made or marred their performance.

Customized Assessments

Customized assessments offer the flexibility of developing your assessments based on your organization goals and requirements. These can be developed in two ways, either the organization can develop its own assessments and publish it on Prepare or alternately, use a mix of Prepare’s assessments as per the requirement.


Our support team works relentlessly to ensure that the candidates receive outstanding support in their preparation.